Friday, June 15, 2012

Bottle Tree on Chatfield Road

Bottle tree in dead peach tree in our Chatfield Road backyard.

I have always wanted a bottle tree, and I had collected a few blue and green bottles in preparation for making one.  When we were in Cleveland County recently, I discovered that one of our peach trees had died and that it had a number of branches suitable for holding bottles.  I had five bottles there, but I hope to add more to the bottle tree as time goes by.

This blue bottle is one of my favorites.

Round green bottle in late evening.
View of our bottle tree from the kitchen window, and the study window.

1 comment:

  1. Love it....
    I remember people use to put their Mason canning
    jars on trees in their yards. Then when canning time came around, they took them in, washed them,
    and used them for canning once again.

