Monday, March 18, 2019

Gadding About at the Green Chair on St. Paddy's Day

What was better for a sunny afternoon on St. Patrick's Day than to attend the Green Chair Project's Open House.  This is one of my favorite charities.  As I am downsizing I like to donate items to them as much as possible.    Here is how they describe their mission:

Working together to provide everyone the comforts of home.

We reuse donated household furnishings to renew lives of participants referred from area programs who are recovering after homelessness, crisis or disaster.
As I toured their site that is undergoing a massive renovation (yet they still manage to stay open for their clients), I saw lots of GREEN items around.  I concentrated my photos on the GREEN things I observed.

A beautiful welcome as you entered.
Families  can choose their furnishing package at a reasonable price.

Among the many sofas and chairs is this GREEN one. 
Among the linens from which to choose, this lovely GREEN one. 

Many decorative items available. 
As I toured the construction area I noticed the hard hats are even GREEN.
They even had GREEN desserts on this special day.  
I'm sporting their sticker.  You can get one too.  Just give them a visit.  
If you aren't familiar with this charity, I suggest you give them a visit.  They are truly an inspiration!!!!  You can view their website HERE.