Saturday, July 30, 2016

Organizing my Frozen Meals While Recovering from Knee Surgery

Frozen Homemade TV Dinners ready for a quick meal.

While I have been recovering from knee surgery (complete replacement of my right knee), I have not been gadding about, but rather have been confined here at home.  My recovery is going quite well, but I miss getting out and about.  I have been doing some things that I CAN do while confined to the house, especially with the help of Debbie.  Debbie was one of Dan's wonderful caretakers, and she has stepped in to give me some part time help as well. 

Frequently I cook more than one or two people can eat, so I freeze the extras as dinners that I can pop in the microwave or in the oven and have a quick meal. I have three different containers that I use for this. 

These can be heated in the microwave.  I like the "cup" for freezing a couple of servings of soup.

This compartmentalized aluminum container must be heated in the oven, not the microwave.

 If you are like me you find things stashed in the back of the freezer that has time expired or has mummified.  So I used some of my time the other day,with Debbie's help to, organize my frozen meals. 
Frozen meals organized in the fridge in the garage. 

My updated list of what's available in the freezer for a quick meal. 

I keep a list posted near the fridge in the garage so I can mark off meals as they are used. 
And I can add meals as I prepare more.  Sometime the kids or grands come over and grab a meal and forget to mark it off, so every now and then I have to recheck the inventory and update my list.  Debbie and I did this the other day, so now I have an updated list and a pretty good supply of frozen meals which is handy because I'm not doing much cooking right now.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Gadding About With Uber

I'm not allowed to drive because of my surgery 4 weeks ago.  Knee replacement.  Although my son or grandsons have been driving me around I wanted to try my first Uber experience.  So I signed up and it worked beautifully.
Uber will be here in 3 minutes.  Wow!!!!

I arrived for my appoinment with Rana half an hour early.  I requested Uber plenty early.

Kent was a good driver and very helpful.  5 stars.

Getting my hair cut at my hairdressers' Rana.

When I was finished I requested Uber to go back home

Back home in 7 minutes.

Safely back home with driver Terrence.  Great ride.  5 stars.
It's good to be gadding about again.  And now I can use Uber just like my young grandsons.  Maybe I should sign up to be a Uber driver to make a little "mad money" and to add a little excitement to my life!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Blogging hiatus for a couple of weeks

Recovering from knee surgery and won't have time or energy enough to be gadding about.  Check back in a couple of weeks.