Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pinocchio in Florence, Italy

Pinocchio by Enrico Mazzanti - the first illustrator (1883) of Le avventure di Pinocchio. Story of a Puppet - colored by Daniel DONNA

When we were in Italy, I discovered that Carlo Collodi wrote the Adventures of Pinocchio in Florence.  There was a wonderful little shop in Florence devoted to Pinocchio where there were little wooden Pinocchios for sale.  These are very well made and have moveable heads, arms and legs.  One of the few souvenirs I brought home was one of the little Pinocchios.  

Shop devoted to Pinocchio in Florence, Italy.
Little wooden Pinocchio.

Outside the shop was a boy size Pinocchio where one could sit and have their picture made with the little guy.

Boy size Pinocchio.

And I did.

Pat with Pinocchio.

I was visiting my friend Virginia in Greensboro this past week, and I noticed in her kitchen she had a Pinocchio funnel.  Cute!

Virginia's Pinocchio funnel.

Pinocchio is one of my favorite story-book characters.


  1. Hi Pat,
    We enjoyed reading your site! My wife and I (both retired teachers) have just returned from overseas and visited that shop in Florence. I regret not buying a Pinocchio clock and have been searching the web hoping that the shop may have a website. Do you remember the name of the shop please? I would appreciate it very much. We are from Australia.
    Best Wishes,

  2. No, I don't remember the name of the shop, and I wish I did, because I too would like to order some more of the little pinocchios. Friends have seen mine and have wanted one. I might be able to look back at my credit card records and find the name. I'll do that when I get back home---we are at our summer home in Cape Breton now and will return to NC in September. Will you send me another reminder in September in case I forget?

  3. The name of the store is Bartolucci in Florence, and the address is Via Della Condetta, 12 R. It is very near the Bargello museum. We visited the store -it is wonderful. I just wish I could bring my grandchildren there.
