Saturday, October 8, 2011

Italy: Fountain of Youth....Back to Reality

We have just returned from a wonderful, almost three-week, tour of Italy.  After the first week I thought I had found the Fountain of Youth.  I felt like I was 25 again.

At 25.

At 22.

AT 20.

By the end of the second week, I felt like 16 again.

At 16.

Wow! by the third week, I was having so much fun I thought I must be a child of ten again.

Age 10.

Uh-Oh.  We're back home and back to reality.  Actually 74, and I feel like it!!!

I think I'll search for the Fountain of Youth in France next year.


  1. Fountain of youth in France for sure.

  2. I want to go to Italy, and I want to go to France too. Fountain of Youth for sure.
