Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In Memory of James Tucker

Painting by James Tucker.
We lost a dear friend last year when James Tucker passed away from West Nile Virus.  James was an artist and for many years was the curator of the Weatherspoon Art Gallery on the campus of UNC Greensboro.  I met James and his wife Virginia when they and I were vendors at the same antique shows.  For over ten years Dan and I were fortunate to enjoy their friendship, to visit here and at their place, to travel to antique shows together and to play many close Scrabble games.  One of our favorite times together was May several years ago when we spent a month traveling to and from Nova Scotia together.  In fact, they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at our place in Cape Breton at a fun party that year. 

James and Virginia Tucker and Dan in the snow on the Cabot Trail in May 2007.

Dan had always admired James' painting The Yellow Nude that hung in their living room and that later was included in an exhibit of James' paintings at the Weatherspoon Gallery.  When I learned that some of the paintings in the show, including the Yellow Nude, were for sale, I quickly bought it as a surprise birthday present for Dan.  James and Virginia came over and hung it in our foyer to surprise Dan when he got home from work.  And Dan was surprised!  Now we feel that a part of James is always here with us in our home. 

James with his painting The Yellow Nude at home in our foyer.

On Friday night a number of James' friends got together in Greensboro at Virginia's to honor his memory.  It was a party that James would have loved.  Good drinks, good food, and good conversation.  I took along some Marcona almonds that James loved, and I felt that somehow he knew we were celebrating his life and that he wished he were there to enjoy the almonds, the martinis, the good food and the fellowship.

Good food.
Dan enjoying the party.

Virginia sitting beneath another of James' paintings and surrounded by his art deco collection.

Rest in peace, dear friend, we were so fortunate to have known you.

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