Thursday, November 1, 2012

Davis Street Halloween Party

"Spider Bread"

Davis and Dover Streets held our second Halloween pot luck party last night when neighbors gathered in the church parking lot.

The kids were decked out in all kinds of costumes.
The little fireman.

Neighborhood rock band.
Abby's eyelashes!!!

Who's your favorite team?
Cute little kitten.

 Even the youngest were in costume.
Cute teddy bear.

Lots of good food. 

Thank you Carolyn for organizing this.

Janie bringing food.
After supper, I hurried home and donned my "costume", The African Ghost, and got ready for all the trick or treaters.
African Ghost: A white sheet and an authentic African mask make for a scary costume.
A good time was had by all.

1 comment:

  1. Your costume would have scared me!!! LOL
