Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Joan of Arc, the Patron Saint of France

What I like about Netflix, is the ability to see old movies.  I saw Joan of Arc, the original movie, as a child, but recently we ordered it as our Netflix selection.  I hadn't realized what a splendid job Ingrid Bergman did in her role. (She was nominated for an Oscar for this role.)  I had also forgotten how incredibly beautiful she was.  Dan and I thoroughly enjoyed this movie the other night.

For a short biography of Joan of Arc check out this url.

Here are some screen shots I captured from the movie:
The beautiful Ingrid Bergman as Joan of Arc.
Joan of Arc meets the Dauphin and future King Charles of France.

This was one of the first movies for Jose Ferrer who received an Oscar nomination for his role as the Dauphin.

Joan of Arc is found guilty and will be burned at the stake.

Burned at the stake.
The acting in this movie was superb, and the photography amazing, especially for a film of 1948.  There has been a more recent film about Joan of Arc where a much younger actress, Leelee Sobieski shines as the legendary 15th-century warrior.  Ingrid Bergman was a bit older than the 17 year old Joan.  I'm going to order the 1999 DVD Joan of Arc and compare the two portrayals.

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