Saturday, November 3, 2012

Freezer Diving (Cherry Crisp for Dessert)

Cherry Crisp from frozen cherries.
If you are like me, food accumulates in your freezer, and every now and then it is necessary to go "freezer diving" and see what's there.  This week I am going to try to use items from my freezer and avoid buying very much from the grocery store.  I'll use what we have on hand that needs to be used.  This morning on my first "freezer dive" I found a bag of frozen sweet cherries.
I probably had these on hand this summer to include in a smoothie but never got around to using them. So with this I will have my dessert prepared for the weekend and no grocery shopping was necessary.  I had all I needed on hand. 

Here's the recipe.

1 16 oz bag frozen dark sweet pitted cherries (unsweetened)
1 tablespoon cornstarch
juice of one lemon (I always have lemons on hand---I buy them by the bag at Costco.)
2 teaspoons water
freshly ground nutmeg about 1/8 teaspoon
1/2 cup quick cook oats, uncooked (I always keep oats on hand.)
1/4 brown sugar
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 teaspoon almond extract (almond flavoring always complements cherries).

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.  Place the frozen cherries in a shallow 1 quart baking dish sprayed with nonstick spray.
Place frozen cherries in baking dish.
Mix the cornstarch, lemon juice, water, almond extract and nutmeg in a small bowl and stir well.
Mix cornstarch, lemon juice, water, almond extract and nutmeg.
Pour this mixture over the cherries, stirring to coat.  Combine the oats, brown sugar and flour in a small bowl.  Cut in the butter until mixture resembles a coarse meal (I use my fingers to do this).
Topping of oatmeal, brown sugar, flour and butter.
Sprinkle topping over the cherries.  Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until top is lightly browned and the fruit is bubbly.
Makes six servings.
Out of the oven.
Ready to eat.

Now I'll have to dive into the freezer and see what I can find for a main dish.  I'll keep you posted. 


  1. I think I'm going to dive into my freezer and see what I can find. This looks so good.

  2. I'm going to try this cherry dessert. It doesn't seem to be too sweet.
