Monday, March 26, 2012

Safe Driving for Seniors

Keeping Seniors Safe in Driver's Seat (Photo from Go Magazine, March-April 2012)

We just received our Go Magazine from AAA, and there is an article that caught my attention: Keeping Seniors Safe in the Driver's Seat.  Seniors or adult children who may be concerned about their parents driving skills will find this article useful.

AAA has a website that provides expert advice on how to drive safely while aging gracefully.

Until my eye improves from the recent surgery, I only drive short distances and familiar roads at night.  Anyway I found this article in the Go Magazine very helpful and maybe you will too.

Safe driving all!  And above all no texting or cell phone use while driving.  This applies to all drivers, not just seniors.


  1. Patrick, Michael and I are all glad
    you read it, Dan too I am guessing....
    Love Martha
