Friday, January 27, 2012

Our State Magazine

Our State down home in North Carolina.
We don't subscribe to many magazines, but one we like is Our State.  This month's February issue is devoted to desserts---a favorite topic of mine. The feature of this issue is five new cake recipes incorporating North Carolina food traditions--Krispy Kreme, country ham, pimento cheese, Nabs and Pepsi.  If you go to the Our State website, you will find the recipes for these five cakes and there is a video of these cakes being prepared.
One cake uses Krispy Kreme donuts in the recipe.
Krispy Kreme chocolate cake. (Photo from Our State website.)
In addition to these unique cakes, there's a "Tasty Dessert Tour" across North Carolina that visits 13 bakeries and restaurants and features their signature desserts.  It just so happens that one of these is within walking distance of us.  The Hayes Barton Cafe and Dessertery is just a few blocks down the street at Five Points in Raleigh.
Coconut cake a special at the Hayes Barton Cafe.
This looked so good that I walked down to the Hayes Barton Cafe & Dessertery and brought a piece of coconut cake home.  I've never seen such a big piece of cake.  It was good, and it was enough for four servings.
A piece of coconut cake from Hayes Barton Cafe.
  Check out the February issue of Our State and all the wonderful desserts featured.

1 comment:

  1. Made me hungry and still more than an hour before lunch.
