Saturday, August 20, 2011

Among my Fav-o-rite Things: Vintage Aluminum Pot

Whenever I'm ready to cook oatmeal, without the crock pot, or vegetables or make soup, I look for the heavy three-quart aluminum vintage pot that has been in the family since Dan was a child.  If others have been cooking, I may have to dig around in the back of the cabinet to find it, because few other family cooks share my enthusiasm for this pot.

Vintage Wear-Ever Aluminum Pot
The pot is very heavy with a secure handle that grips nicely and a lid that fits tightly to retain steam.  Because of the thickness of the aluminum, food doesn't burn easily.  I've looked on Ebay occasionally to see if I can find another like it with no luck.  The mark on the bottom of the pot reads "No.986, WEAR-EVER, Aluminum Trade-Mark, Made in Canada".  I suspect it is 1940s or perhaps even 1930s vintage.
Back mark.
This old pot is among my favorite things in the Marble Mountain house.  I wonder how many cooks over the years have prepared potatoes, turnips, peas, or carrots with the pleasure this pot gives me.

Making soup in my favorite pot.


  1. I have Ware Ever; bought it before I married Jim. I can't find a new handle for my small frying pan. It's really great stuff. I'm envious of your soup pot! Other than handles,the pieces are so durable I can see them lasting for generations. Unfortunately I ruined the outside finish on mine trying to clean w/ oven clearer . . .

    Wish you were here. Trying to figure out how to get to The Help. Things are fairly calm. Bob and I baked an apple pie from scratch yesterday and Chloe's here until the afternoon, so we're all getting fat together.

    There was a big crown at the north end of the lake this morning, so I knew the doe was back begging bread with the ducks and geese. She is one beautiful animal and is entirely reckless.

  2. The handle on this soup pot is extremely durable.

  3. Hi Pat. My Gran just passed away at 99 and I inherited her pots. They look just like your pot with the round handle. I had the chance to talk with her about her pots on a number of occasions. The story behind them is quite enjoyable. Here goes. My Gramma said that she attended a home party for these pots, a male salesman showed a number of women the pots and the gal who was hosting the women got free or discounted pots. This is the first known home party product ever (found that out online). There is even a booklet that you can find that was the salespitch. I have not gotten it yet but there is also a cookbook that came with it. So timing wise, she said she had her first job and was married and decided to buy one pot at a time until she had the set. She was born in 1918, married at 16 so that is 1934. I should have asked her for sure on this because the war didnt end until 1945 and it makes me think she might not have started buying these pots until then. Stamped on the smallest pot on the bottom is No. 908 I see yours says No. 986. Well this confirms your story about the pots coming from either the 30's or 40's. Susanna - Ontario Canada
