Saturday, August 4, 2012

Back to College

Mary and I are in Halifax for a couple of days, and we are staying at the summer housing on Dalhousie University Campus in one of the dormitories. It’s a great deal—two days including parking for less than $100. You can’t beat that. Before we had Maggie, our puppy, Dan and I oftened stay in the DAL summer housing. But, alas, they don’t allow pets.

It’s kind of fun being back in a dorm after all these years, and boy are things different than what we had at Gardner-Webb University (then College) when I was a freshman. Some of my age mates will likely enjoy seeing how things have changed. This would have been great back in the day.

Private rooms with your own desk, closet, sink, telephone and connection to the internet. We had one pay phone on each hall of our dorm to be shared by a number of girls. No cell phones back then either. Oh right, the internet had not been invented, and we had no such thing as a computer.

Co-ed dormitories!!!! That would have been unthinkable. Even co-ed showers, but as you can see they are very private.

Attendants at front desk to give help and answer questions. The only front desk we had back then was a Dean of Women usually policing the halls to be sure we weren’t doing something we shouldn’t be doing.

There’s an ATM machine in the lobby. ATM’s did not exist when I was a freshman.

Oh indeed, the dorms have changed and I would say so very much for the better. I just came along too early!!! All you incoming college freshman, enjoy your stay here

1 comment:

  1. We had to wear a rain coat over our
    gym walk across campus to
    the gym. But then it was a Baptist College. :-)
