Sunday, September 18, 2011

Morning Tea on Davis Street

Morning tea on front patio.  The large pot is by Daniel Johnson.

The New York Times and Earl Grey tea in mug by Westmoore Pottery.
Vine with five leaflets per leaf is Virginia Creeper.  Sometimes mistaken for poison ivy which has three leaflet per leaf. (Your botany lesson for the day.)
Raleigh is known as the City of Oaks.  Here's our acorn birdhouse.


  1. I can't believe I'm just finding your blog! I absolutely love these pictures! Is this your house in Raleigh?

  2. Yes this is our Raleigh house. I posted this to cover my blog while we were enroute to Italy. I took these pics back in the spring I think. Glad you found the blog. You can probably go back and see some earlier ones that show our Nova Scotia place. Now we are in Italy and I hope to have time to blog from here.
    You and Adam should come see us in Raleigh.
