Friday, February 15, 2019

Gadding About With A Blind Date

Yesterday was Valentine's and I thought what could be more romantic than a blind date.  I was to meet my blind date at the Cameron Village Public Library. I was so excited!  When I told my younger son, he expressed a bit of concern.  I assured him it was quite okay.

The Librarians had created a novel activity called a Blind Date with a Book.

I love books, so I thought how romantic!

Sure enough just in the entrance to the Library was a collection of gift-wrapped books, in colorful Valentine's Day paper.  Each book had a little synopsis, but no title.  You had to unwrap the gift to see who or what your blind date was.

I notice that many of the books that the Librarians had selected seemed to have a theme of love, marriage, or relationships.  How appropriate!

This is the "date" that I chose. 

I'm heading out of town for the weekend, and I'm taking my blind date with me.  I may even fall a sleep with my blind date beside me.  Thank you Librarians for a clever activity for Valentine's Day. And friends I hope you are not a bit disappointed, because you may have expected a different "blind date" for me.  : )

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