Sunday, March 22, 2020

Hanging Out with Me and My To-Do List

My List for the Day

When I was teaching and had to organize my time more carefully I usually made actual to-do lists, but in the 20 years since I have been retired (Gosh I can't believe it's been that long!!!) I've just made mental ones for the most part. To keep me on track during these strange times, I am going to revert to making physical paper to-do lists. Of course, I am sure things will pop up during the day that are not on my list for today that will require my attention.  But I'll what I can finish.  

One thing checked off, but it took about 45 minutes, because I went to Ace Hardware, called them and they brought one out to the car.  Social distancing. 

Now do I add getting this thing attached to my hoses to my list for today????  Absolutely not!

Returned Green Room and now I'll get the top of my queue A Star is Born. 

I made the meatloaf and the turkey vegetable soup. Froze the soup for a later time.
Meatloaf out of the oven. 

Turkey vegetable soup ready to freeze. 

Maggie was walked, and after the walk, I lay down on the sofa with the intention of listening to some Handel, Bach, and Pachabel for 15 minutes.  Fifteen minutes turned into 45, but I was enjoying and relaxing. 

I called my friend to wish her a Happy Birthday, and I have completed my balance exercises.  I just watched the first Masterpiece episode of Little Women (this was not on my list for the day). Now it's bedtime.  There are two things on my list that I didn't accomplish, but one is reading for an hour so perhaps I can do that in bed if I can stay awake.  Tomorrow my list is going to be shorter. 

p.s. finishing this blog before the day is up wasn't on my list either, but I did it.  

1 comment:

  1. You are a very busy lady, and deserve a good night rest.
