Thursday, August 24, 2017

Gadding About in First Grade at BSE

Boiling Springs Elementary School*
I've just turned 80 and I can remember my mother referring to an elderly person as being "old and childish".  It is said that we return to child-like behavior when we get old.  When I become "old and childish" I want to return to first grade and not any first grade but first grade at Boiling Springs Elementary School in NC.

I was in Boiling Springs recently for lunch with my sister and two of her daughters one of whom is a Teacher's Assistant in first grade at BSE, and because they were having a work day before the children arrive we were able to visit and see the wonderful welcoming art work that awaits the children.  All the first grade teachers on the hall where my niece, Kelly, teaches had chosen books by Eric Carle as the theme for decorating their hall.
Kelly's room.  
One of the parent's had made this for Kelly to keep on her desk. 

My niece Kelly loves her work here. 
This was so different from my first grade where I remember there was a flip chart at the front of the room where the teacher could flip from "See Spot" to "See Spot Run" or maybe "Run Sally Run".  Now whole halls are decorated as well as rooms.
Another first grade teacher had chosen this book. 

Another had chosen "The Grouchy Ladybug" as her book.

Don't you just know that the little first graders are going to wide-eyed with wonder as they enter their classroom next week!

Each grade chooses a different theme.  I was glad to learn that the decorations are left up for more than one year, because it certainly requires a lot of imagination and hard work to decorate.

The fourth grade hall teachers had chosen Dr. Seuss as their theme.  Here's an example of one room.

So when I get "old and childish" I'm going back to first grade at BSE.  Get ready for me teachers!

*All photos courtesy of my niece CeCe Grigg, Kelly's sister, who also worked at BSE before she retired.  My Iphone died and I couldn't make pictures.  Thanks CeCe.

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