Monday, September 21, 2015

A Delicious Blueberry Bread Pudding from Stale Bread

Blueberry Bread Pudding.

Whenever someone posts a good recipe on Facebook, I share it so I then will have it saved in my Facebook Account.This recipe for Blueberry Bread Pudding is one such recipe.  I don't remember who posted it, but I did remember that I had saved it.  Today I had a bit of stale bread that needed to be used---some brioche and part of a whole wheat baguette--- so I made this.

Blueberry Bread Pudding
Yields 8-10 servings

1 loaf of dense white bread, cubed (about 4-5 cups) (I used brioche and whole wheat bread.)
2 cups milk
2 cups cream (I used half and half)
2/3 cup sugar
1 tsp salt
6 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
1 pint blueberries
1 tablespoon raw (turbinado) sugar*
1 tablespoon butter, to coat the dish

Topping Ingredients
¼ cup raw (turbinado) sugar*
½ teaspoon cinnamon

Gently heat the cream, milk, sugar and salt in a heavy bottomed pot until it is just about to boil. Remove from heat. Meanwhile, mix together the eggs, vanilla and ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon in a large bowl. Slowly pour the hot cream mixture into the egg mixture, stirring constantly so that the eggs don’t scramble. Add the cubed bread to the custard, toss together and put aside.
Heat cream, milk, and sugar. 
Mix eggs, vanilla, and cinnamon.
Add egg mixture to milk mixture slowly so eggs will not scramble.

Add bread cubes.

In another bowl, add a tablespoon of the raw sugar to the blueberries, and mash together so that there is mix of mashed and whole blueberries. Let the blueberries and the sugar sit for a few minutes, allowing juices to collect. Mix the blueberries into the pudding well, and put the whole thing in the refrigerator for at least an hour so that the bread can fully soak up the custard.

Crush part of the blueberries. 
Mix blueberries into the pudding mixture.  Refrigerate for at least an hour.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Butter a large baking dish.** Pour the bread pudding mixture into the dish. Sprinkle the pudding with the cinnamon and sugar. Cover the pudding with foil and bake for 45 minutes, until the center is set. Remove the foil and cook for another 20 minutes. At the very end, put the pudding under the broiler for another 1-2 minutes to crisp up the top of the pudding. Let the pudding sit for at least a half hour before serving. Serve it up with vanilla ice cream, and you’ll be in heaven.

Ready for the oven.

Out of the oven.

With vanilla ice cream ready to eat. 

* If you only have regular white sugar, that’s fine. The raw sugar creates a better crunchy crust, but it is not a big enough difference to deter you from making this recipe!
** The pudding puffed up a great deal while baking, I would recommend using a large baking dish, and putting a baking sheet underneath to catch any wayward pudding or blueberries.


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