Sunday, September 13, 2015

180 Girls in White Dresses Carrying Red Roses

On Friday night the 89th NC Debutante Ball was held at the Meymandi Hall here in Raleigh.  This year 180 girls from across the state accepted invitations from the Terpsichorean Club of Raleigh, sponsor of the Ball, to make their debut.  The girls had just finished their freshman year in college.  The girl's father is usually her Chief Marshal, and each girl invites a young man to be her Assistant Marshal.  My oldest grandson, Zach, was invited by his friend Claire to be her Assistant Marshal. Hence my interest in this event.
Claire's father is deceased, so her brother David was her Chief Marshal.
Claire and Zach.

During the summer there are parties and luncheons across the state to which the Debs, their families and their escorts are invited.  It is a fun time for the young people.  The culmination of all this socializing is the Deb Ball.   Claire's mother had an extra ticket to the ball and invited me to go.

My "do"  for the Ball.

Claire's mother, brother, a family friend, Claire and Zach.
Many of the girls have a special Deb Stool designed, many by NTH degree in Raleigh.  The girls sit (or lean) on these while they are backstage waiting to be introduced.

Deb stools backstage waiting for the Dehs.

One of the Debs with her stool designed by NTH Degree. (Photo by NTH Degree.)

There was another dance on Saturday night, and a brunch on Sunday.  These young folks must be worn out, but I'm sure they had a wonderful weekend.  Now it's back to Carolina for Zach and Claire with many happy memories of summer parties and Deb Weekend.