Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Come Sit With Me in the Backyard

I love Springtime, especially sitting in the backyard with the trees displaying their many shades of green and the white azaleas appearing as covered with snow.  I've always liked white flowers in the yard because they are so pretty when it's dusk, or dawn or in the midday sun.  Yesterday afternoon, although it was a bit windy, Maggie and I spent a great deal of time out back.  I swept up a bunch of oak catkins that had fallen on the patio, it will be covered again in the morning though.  I trimmed a few bushes, but mainly I just sat and enjoyed the beauty of the season and watched Maggie search for chipmunks---we have a lot.

The leaves look so pretty against the Carolina Blue sky.

Shades of green. 
Sun kissed white azaleas. 

A touch of purple.

My tree house is hidden by the trees. 
A birdhouse that my then Russian student Natasha Kennedy made for me.  I still cherish it.  
Maggie hunting for chipmunks.

Now I'm going to take my cup of tea, find my puppy, and  enjoy more of my backyard.

1 comment:

  1. Makes me jealous since we are expecting snow showers tonight! Our trees are brown sticks. But when you are sweating like a pig in July, I will be sitting on back deck with a fire and wearing a jacket! I will have lots of flowers too (because I will have bought them already in bloom the last week in May)

    Edie......Eagle River Alaska
