Wednesday, January 10, 2018

My New Gadget: A Clothes Tower or Ladder

Clothes Tower or Clothes Ladder. 

Always in the beginning of a new year, I look around and decide I need to get more organized and have less clutter.  Something popped up on my FB or maybe it was my email that caught my attention.  It is called a Clothes Tower*, but I think of it more as a Clothes Ladder.  It leans up against the wall and can be moved around from place to place if you wish. 

I had a chair in this spot in my bedroom where I often put down clothes that I didn't want to hang up or weren't ready for the clothes hamper.  Or maybe I put clothes on the bed.  Anyway I decided this would be a way to keep my clothes a little more organized when they are not in the closet.

Now I can give the chair that was in that spot to one of my grandsons who will be moving out into their own space soon.  Or if they aren't interested, I will donate it to The Green Chair Project.

Now if I could find some new gadget that would get my study more organized!!!

*Sorry I can't remember where I ordered this, but if you are interested you could probably google and find it.  I highly recommend it.

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