Monday, August 8, 2016

Books, Books, and More Books: Organizing our Books

Bookcases in the study. 
Dan and I both have been collectors of books for many years,  and we always found it hard to get rid of any book.  Finally I decided the time had come to downsize and organize our extensive book collection. (Dan if you are aware of this, please understand.)  I had already donated boxes of books to the Library where they will likely sell them at their once a year book sale.  I've found it is difficult to give books away.  First I tackled the books in the study.  Two thirds were given away, and I organized the remaining sixty books using The Paper Tiger, a system we have used for years to organize our paper files. 

The Paper Tiger filing system. 
I assigned each book a number and entered the information into Paper Tiger.
Each book was given a number, and the information on that number was inserted into the Paper Tiger system.  A small sticker with the number was affixed to the spine of the book.  (I'm thinking in the future it might be easier to use white ink and print the number on the spine.)

If I want to find a certain book, I just search, say for The Hobbit.  Paper Tiger tells me where the book is located. 
Search Paper Tiger for The Hobbit.
Paper Tiger tells me where the book is located. 

There is The Hobbit, number 14, on the bookcase in the study. 

Dan thought that only books should be included on bookcases, but I always like to include some of our collectibles as well.  He tolerated my including objects other than books. 
A carved moose that we purchased in Maine years ago. 
Santa Clara pottery that I collected in New Mexico in the summer of 1968.   
Now if I can only tackle the books in the living room, the den, the dining room, the kitchen, and the bedrooms (oh and the garage suite) perhaps I can readily locate a book I may be looking for. 

By the way, and I am not getting a kick back, I heartily recommend The Paper Tiger for organizing anything that you can put a number on.  Perhaps when I have finished cataloging the books, I can start on my pottery collection.  Not!

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