Saturday, July 4, 2015

Courtyard Renovation

Our renovated courtyard.
In order for Dan to have easier access to the driveway when navigating with his walker we redesigned the little courtyard between the master bedroom of the house and the garage.  The French door from our bedroom opens out to a small deck with no steps involved.  Going out our front door requires going down two steps. 

We removed the pergola and fence that separated the courtyard from the driveway and built a new fence separating the courtyard from the backyard. 

Original fence and pergola in foreground was removed.  Deck is extended.

New fence and wrought iron gate.
The deck was rather narrow so we extended it by half.  To make an easy transition from the deck to the driveway and to the backyard, we installed stone pavers making a nice wide walkway that easily accommodates a walker (or even in the future if necessary will accommodate a wheelchair.)  We are making changes around the house that will enable us to stay here rather than our having to move to a Continuing Care Residential Center. 
Installing the stone pavers walkway from deck to driveway.

These renovations required that we redo the landscaping in the courtyard. 

Plantings along the space between the deck and the garage.

The "rock" at the base of the arborvitae is the signal for the invisible fence that keeps Maggie in the courtyard. 
(Notice the white flags.  Maggie is  being trained to stay away from the electrical field.  The flags will be removed.)

Annuals in space between walkway and driveway. 

Daniel Johnston pottery shows up nicely at night. 
Joel Haas "mask" made of garden tools. 

Opening up the courtyard has given a whole new view from the driveway and the street. 

The changes that we made are making it much easier for Dan to enter and exit the house.  It has been a fun project. 

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